Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dear Graysie
Amanda leaves for Kansas tomorrow. I wish we had more time to spend together getting to know each other and talking about our plans for you. I wish I could stare at her little baby bump for the next nine weeks just knowing you, my baby, is growing. I wish we could tell her to stay with us so I could be sure to have her eating nutritious food and getting plenty of rest. I wish I could talk with her for hours just about her life and her friends and her childhood and her pregnancy.

On the other hand, I have so much to do and only nine weeks to do it. I haven't even started paperwork or researching exactly what we need to do. I know that adoption can be expensive but I am expecting the cost to be minimal because we have found each other and we aren't having to involve an agency. I am going to call around to attorneys first thing in the morning. Although we've found your bedding and all your decorations and furniture I had already gotten rid of all the baby stuff from your brother and sisters and I need to start preparing for your arrival. I am going to be busy.

I am telling people that this nine weeks is going to fly by. I am telling people that I have so much to do and so little time. I'm telling people all of this not because I believe it, but because I'm trying to convince myself that this next nine weeks will go fast. I am anxious and this will be totally agonizing waiting for you to arrive.

I love you forever

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